(ii) This is case (c): rotation by π about the z-axis followed by reflection in the (x, y)-plane.
(iii) Products of rotations are always rotations since SO(3) is a subgroup and so we have case (b).
Seeing what the axis is can be rather tricky. For example, rotation (by π/2 anticlockwise) about the x-axis, followed by rotation about the y-axis followed by rotation about the z-axis is rotation by π/2 about the y-axis.
(iv) Reflecting in three perpendicular planes gives the map x -x of (ii)
You can see this a different way by observing that the symmetries mapping one square to the other can be obtained by composing (say) the translation by the symmetries that map the second square to itself. That is TAXD4 , where the dihedral group acts fixing the centre of XYZT.
Classifying them we get two rotations by 90° about the centres of the squares (!) shown, together with two indirect symmetries: a glide reflection along the line joining the mid-points of AD and TZ and the corresponding line joining the mid-points of AB and TX. (These lines are at 45° to the horizontal.)