The dual of the truncated octahedron has 24 triangular faces which careful consideration shows to come together to form 12 rhomboidal faces and so the dual is the rhombic dodecahedron.
The truncated octahedron and and the rhombic dodecahedron are particularly important because copies of them can be used to fill up R3 without any gaps. Consequently, they appear "in nature" as crystals of various chemical compounds. With the obvious exception of the cube, none of the other Platonic solids can do this.
Hence the symmetry groups of the stella octangular are the same as those of the cube/octahedron.
Sd S4 and S
S4 × < J > .
Colouring the two tetrahedra differently reduces the symmetry groups to those of the tetrahedron: Sd A4 and S
Colouring the top and bottom of the dual truncated cube differently from the others will give a figure whose rotational symmetry group Sd D4 (the rotational symmetries of the square half-way up) and whose full symmetry group is S
D4 × < J > .
Colouring the upper and lower faces or edges of the stellar octangula will have the same effect.
Question: Can you mark a cube to get a D3 ? Hint: D3 S3 and remember what are permuted when you get the group Sd(C) as S4 .
On the tetrahedron, reflection in a plane containing one edge (and passing through the mid point of the opposite edge) swaps a pair of vertices and leaves the other pair fixed and so corresponds to a 2-cycle in S4. There are indeed 6 such 2-cycles and 6 edges to choose from !
Take one of the three line joining centres of opposite edges. Then a rotatory reflection (by ±π/2) about this axis is a symmetry of the tetrahedron, and there are 6 of them -- corresponding to the 6 4-cycles in S4.
The above account for all 12 of the odd permutations in S4.
Since the "top half" of the octahedron is a pyramid, we may argue similarly to find its height = √2. Since the base has area 4, the volume of the pyramid is 4/3 √2 and the volume of the octahedron is 8/3 √2.
Cutting 4 small tetrahedra (each with volume 1/24 √8 ) off the bigger one leaves behind a octahedron with edge-length 1 and so this has volume 1/3 √8 - 4/24 √8 = 1/3 √2 which is (as it should be) 1/8 of the volume calculated above.