Similarly you can verify that g has order 3 and h has order 2.
Composing powers of g and h gives the set: {x, 1 - x, (x - 1)/x, 1/(1 - x), 1/x, x/(x - 1) }.
This is a non-abelian group of order 6 and so is S3 .
In fact the converse of this result is true: any map from RP1 to RP1 given by projection from a point not on either line does give an element of PGL(2, R).
To map [1, 1, 1] to the fourth point means solving the equations a1/α + b1/β + c1/γ = 1, etc for 1/α, 1/β and 1/γ and we can do this since the matrix of coefficients is non singular (otherwise a, b and c would be on a line).
Then, as in the case of RP1, if θ maps these four standard points to a, b, c and d and φ maps them to a', b', c' and d' then the map we need is φ θ-1.
To get a projective plane we need n = 3. So taking F = GF(3) gives a 13 point plane (in which each point lies on 4 lines and 4 lines pass through each point. If |F| = 4 then you get a 21 point plane.
Then 12 54 and 23
65 and we need to show that 16
To show this, prove that Δ016 and Δ034 are similar.
To do this note that (by similar triangles) 01 : 05 = 02 : 04 and 03 : 05 = 02 : 06
So 01 . 04 = 02 . 05 = 03 . 06 and so 01 : 03 = 06 : 04 which is what we need.