Regarding the letters as having finite thickness gives some more homeomorphisms. For example P O.
So one gets A D
R, B on its own and all the rest homeomorphic to one another.
Note that the equivalence classes are distinguished by the "number of holes".
Making the letters 3-dimensional does not produce any further homeomorphisms.
The same map works for the finite open intervals also.
The map x tan(x) maps the finite open interval (-p/2, p/2) to the whole line R in a bijective way with the continuous inverse y
The same map shows that any open interval of the form (a, ) or (-
, b) is homeomorphic to a subinterval of (-p/2, p/2).
Hence any open intervals are homeomorphic to finite open intervals and hence to each other.
Similar methods show that all half-open intervals are homeomorphic to one another.
In fact one cannot find a continuous map from the interval [0, 1] onto (0, 1) but that is hard to prove. You will see a proof later.
Think of the two-holed torus as made by adding a tube to a one-holed torus. Swing this round as shown below to see that the two configurations can be deformed into one another.