For d2 : |u + v|2 = |u|2 + |v|2 + 2 u.v and since u.v = cos()|u||v| and cos(
1 this is
|u + v|2 and the result follows.
For d : the maximum of the first coordinates of u+ v
maximum of |coordinates of u| + maximum of |coordinates of v| and similarly for the second coordinates.
The same formula does not define a metric on the closed interval [0, 1] since d(0, 1) = 0 but these two points are not the same.
d(0, pk) = 1/pk and this 0 as k
. That is, the sequence (p, p2, p3, ...)
A point on the set d1 = 1 is inside the set d2 = 1 and so d2 d1 . Similarly (since the circle is inside the square) we have d
d2 .
Alternatively, look at a different picture:
d2(P, Q) = c a + b = d1(P, Q).
Also, both a c and b
c and so
d(P, Q) = max{a, b}
Without a picture, (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2 a2 + b2
a + b
(a2 + b2) and so d1
d2 .
Also if a b then max{a, b} = a and since a2 + b2
a2 we have
(a2 + b2)
a and so d2
If (an) v in d1 then given
> 0,
N such that n > N
d1(an ,v) <
(since d1
d2 and d
) and so convergence also takes place in d2 and d
One can draw pictures to show that d1
2 d2 and d2
2 d
(One can of course argue without using pictures too!)
Then if (an)
in d
we have:
> 0) (
N) (
) <
) <
2 and d1(an,
) <
/2 and so convergence also takes place in d1 and d2 .
Similarly, if convergence takes place in d2 it also takes place in d1 .
Combining this with the earlier result, sequences convergent in one of these norms are convergent in all of them.
0.5 and applying f gives the sequence (0.9, 0.9, 0.99, ...)
1 while f(0.5) = 1.
Hence f is not continuous and indeed is discontinuous at any terminating decimal (but continuous elsewhere).
However, g(0.5) = 0.6111... = 11/18 which is different.