In 2 proper closed sets are either finite or contain 1. Again it is easily seen to be closed under arbitrary unions and finite intersections.
2 is stronger (more open sets) than
1 and so the identity map from (X,
2) to (X,
1) is continuous but its inverse is not.
Consider the map g: (X, 1)
2). The set B = N - {1} is open in
2 but g-1(B) = 2N and is not open in
1 . Hence this map is not continuous.
Consider the map g: (X, 2)
1). Take U
1 . Then N - U is finite.
If 1 U then since g(1) = 1, we have 1
g-1(U) and so g-1(U) is open.
If 1 U then N - g-1(U) contains only finitely many even integers and so g-1(U) is an open subset.
Hence g is continuous.
To prove the other inclusion, suppose now that (x, y) cl(A
B). Then every open set containing (x, y) of the form U
V meets A
B. Hence every open set U containing x meets A and every open set V containing y meets B. Thus x
cl(A) and y
cl(B) and so (x, y)
An interval (a, b) = (-, b)
) and since the intervals form a basis, the unbouded ones form a subbasis. However, taking unions of such intevals never gives a bounded set and so they do not form a basis.
U (V = U
V) and so every set in the basis can be written as such an intersection.
To see that it is a homeomorphism take small open sets in each space and see what their images are.
To see that the closed square and quadrant are homeomorphic, take a different map which "shrinks back" along the radius as shown.
To see that these are the same use a homeomorphism to map the squares to discs and then "expand the sector" to get a homeomorphism.