To get S1 S1 start by identifying the top and bottom of the cylinder (see Question 2 above) to get a torus S1
Then S1
S1 is a pair of circles.
Shrinking one of them down to a point gives the space in the last part of Question 2. Then shrink the second circle down to the point to get a sphere.
The space B is trickier. Its boundary is a single circle in R3 which happens to be knotted.
Unlikely as it may seem, B is a torus with a disc removed to make a hole.
To see this, snip two of the twisted strips: and convince yourself that this is the same as a torus with a hole:
Reversing a twist makes no difference (think how the identifications are made) while if one of the strips is untwisted A is a Mobius band and B is a cylinder with a hole.