Course MT2002 Analysis

Solution 2

  1. (a) not one-one, not onto
    (b) one-one correspondence
    (c) one-one, not onto
    (d) one-one, not onto
    (e) one-one correspondence
    (f) one-one, not onto
    (g) Draw the graph to see that it is not one-one but is onto
    (h) not one-one, not onto

  2. (a) Let xf[AB]. Then x = f (y) for yAB. So yA and xf[A]. Similarly xf[B] and so xf[A] ∩ f[B].

    Suppose f is one-one and let yf[A] ∩ f[B]. Then y = f (a) for aA and y = f (b) for bB. Thus f (a) = f (b) and by the one-one property, a = b A ∩ B. Hence yf[AB] and the two sets are equal.

    (b) Let xf[f -1[B]]. Then x = f (y) for yf -1[B]. Hence f (y) ∈ B and we have f[f -1[B]] ⊆ f[B].

    If f is onto, take yf[B]. Then y = f (b) for some bB. By the onto condition, b = f (a) for some af -1[B] ⊆ X. Thus yf[f -1[B]] and the two sets are equal.

  3. Each element of A may be mapped to any element of B and so we get nm different maps.
    If the map is one-one we have a choice of n elements for the image of the first element of A, a choice of n - 1 for the second, etc. Thus we have n(n - 1)(n - 2) ... (n - m +1) = n!/m! one-one maps. (Of course, if m > n we get no such maps.)

    The number of onto maps is harder to calculate.

    The number of onto maps from a set of size m to a set of size n are shown on the right for some small values.

    These numbers are related to numbers discovered by the Scottish mathematician James Stirling (1692 to 1770).

    If f: AB is a one-one map defined on a finite set A then the image of f has the same number of elements. Hence if |A| =|B| the map is onto. Example 1f) above shows that this result may fail for infinite sets.

  4. The function which maps (m, n) to 2m3n is one-one by the uniqueness of factorisation. This maps N × N onto its image is a one-one correspondence. This image is a subset of N and hence is countable.
    Define a map from N × N × ... × N→ N by mapping (a1 , a2 , ... , an) to p1a1p2a2 ... pnan where p1 , ... , pn are distinct primes and the result follows in a similar way.

  5. Choosing a subset of a set with n elements means making a choice about whether to include each element or not, so you get a choice of 2n possible subsets.
    [Equivalently, a map from a set S to {0, 1} corresponds to a subset by mapping the elements of the subset to 1 and the other elements to 0. (This is called the characteristic function of the subset.) By question 3 above, there are 2n such maps.]

    Hence the set of all finite subsets is ∪{subsets of size n} where the union is taken over all nN. This is a countable union of finite sets and hence is countable.

    We can adapt the Cantor diagonalisation process as follows.
    Suppose A1, A2 , A3 , ... is a counting of all the proper (≠ N) subsets of N.
    Let X be the set {a1 , a2 , a3 , ...} where a1A1 , a2A2 , ...
    Then the set X is not in the counting.

  6. Tabulating f as suggested gives a table as on the right:

    This gives a one-one correspondence between N × N and N which is similar to (but not quite the same as) that given in the section on Infinity and infinities.
    (One starts at the bottom of the line m + n = constant each time.)