Course MT2002 Analysis

Solution 6

  1. (a) an - an-1 = (n + 1)/(n + 2) - n/(n + 1) = 1/[(n + 1)(n + 2)] > 0. Hence the sequence is monotonic increasing.
    (b) an - an-1 = n + 1 + 8/(n + 1) - n - 8/n = 1 - 8/[n(n + 1)] and so this is positive provided n ≥ 3 and the sequence is monotonic increasing from then on.
    (c) The sequence is (0, 3, 2, 5, 4, 7, 6, ... ) and never becomes monotone.
    (d) The sequence is (1, 5, 5, 9, 9, 13, 13, ... ) and is monotone.

  2. sn+1- sn= 1/(n+1)2> 0 and so the sequence is monotonic increasing.
    Clearly s1≤ 2 - 1/1. Now assume the result is true for n = k and consider sk+1= sk+ 1/(k + 1)2≤ 2 - 1/k + 1/(k + 1)2 (by the inductive hypothesis) and this can be written as: 2 - 1/(k + 1) × [(k + 1)/k - 1/(k + 1)] = 2 - 1/(k + 1) × [(k2 + k + 1)/(k2 + k)] ≤ 2 - 1/(k + 1) as required.
    So the sequence of partial sums is monotonic increasing and bounded above and hence convergent.

    Proving that its sum is π2/6 is quite a bit harder. One can do it by defining a function f (x) = 0 if -π ≤ x ≤ 0 and x2 if 0 < x ≤ π and expanding it as a Fourier series, though that is not how Euler originally proved it!

  3. anis the partial sum of the (divergent) harmonic series: 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + ... . Hence (an) is not a Cauchy sequence even though |an+1 - an|→ 0 as n→ ∞.

  4. Since sn+1 - sn = bn+1 ≥ 0 the sequence (sn) is monotonic increasing. It is bounded above by the limit of cn and hence is convergent.

  5. Assume m > n and we will prove that |an - am| is small for large enough m, n.
    |an - am| = |an - an+1 + an+1 - an+2 + ... + am-1 - am| ≤ |an - an+1| + |an+1 - an+2| + ... + |am-1 - am| ≤ rn + rn+1 + ... + rm. Since this is part of "the tail" of the convergent Geometric Series: rn this is small for large m, n.
    The sequence (an) is certainly bounded above by 1. Now an+1 - an = an/3 + 2an-1/3 - an and so |an+1 - an| = 2/3|an - an-1|. Now use induction to get |an+1 - an| ≤ (2/3)n and then the last result shows that we have a convergent sequence.

    Finding its limit is rather tricky. Experimenting with Maple suggests that 3/5 is a good guess.
    A standard way of dealing with recurrence relations like this one is to guess a solution of the form an = μn which in this case gives μ = 1 or -2/3 and the general solution is then of the form an= A.1n + B.(-2/3)n for some constants A and B.
    Choosing A and B to give the correct answer for a1 and a2 gives the formula an = 3/5 + 9/10 × (-2/3)nand so as n→ ∞ we have (an)→ 3/5.

  6. Your calculator should convince you that as x→ 0+, xx→ 1. (For example, for x = 0.001, xx= 0.993... )
    To prove it, take logarithms. (The log function treats limits nicely since it is a continuous function for x > 0.)
    log(xx) = x log(x) = log(x)/(1/x) and then by l'Hôpital's rule this limit is (1/x)/(-1/x2) = -x→ 0 as x→ 0.
    Hence the limit of xx as x→ 0 is e0 = 1.
    For the last part, put x = 1/n.

  7. Let xn = (1 + R/n)n where R is the rate of interest. Then if the limit of the sequence (xn) = α, by the continuity of the logarithm function we have the limit of the sequence (log(xn)) = log(α).
    Now log(xn) = n log(1 + R/n) and by l'Hôpital's Rule, if x = 1/n, the limit of 1/x × log(1 + Rx) as x→ 0+ is the same as the limit of R/(1 + Rx) which is R. Hence the limit of the sequence (xn) is eR. If R = 0.12 this is about 1.127. So after a year you have N × 1.127 -- slightly more than the N × 1.12 you would have had with simple interest.