Course MT2002 Analysis
Solution 9

[d2(x , ax + b)]2=
(x2 - (ax + b)2dx =
(x4 - 2x2(ax + b) + (ax + b)2) dx = 1/5 - 2/4a -2/3 b + 1/3 a2 + ab + b2. The minimum value of this is where d/da = 0 and d/db = 0. That is where -1/2 + 2/3a + b = 0 and -2/3 + a + 2b = 0 ⇒ 4a + 6b = 3, 3a + 6b = 2 ⇒ a = 1, b = -1/6. So the best-fit linear approximation to x2 is x - 1/6.
- Let
n be the partial sum of
fi, assume that m > n and look at d∞(
n) = max { |fn+1(x) + ... + fm(x)| for x ∈ [a, b]} ≤ max {|fn+1(x)| + ... + |fm(x)| } ≤ Mn+1+ ... + Mm.
Since the series
Mi converges, its partial sums form a Cauchy sequence and so Mn+1+ ... + Mm is small for large m, n. Thus (
n) is a Cauchy sequence in C[a, b] and since this is a complete space under d∞ the sequence is convergent to its pointwise limit and this limit is continuous.

Since |sin2(x)| ≤ 1, we may take Mn= 1/n2 and so by the Weierstrass M-test, the series
sin2(x)/n2 is uniformly convergent to a continuous function.
Deciding exactly where this function is differentiable is much harder.

Similarly, since |cos(anx)| ≤ 1, if 0 < b < 1 we may take Mn= 1/bn and use the fact that
Mn is convergent to deduce that Weierstrass's function is continuous.
Proving that this function is not differentiable anywhere is the hard bit!

- It is clear that d(m, n) ≥ 0, that d(m, n) = 0 ⇔ m = n and that d(m, n) = d(n, m), so we need only verify the triangle inequality.
So suppose that 2r divides m - n and that 2s divides n - q. Then m - q = (m - n) + (n - q) and so if t = min{r, s} we have 2t divides n - q. But 1/2t≤ 1/2r+ 1/2s since t is either r or s. Hence the triangle inequality holds.

If an= 1/2n-1 then d(an, 0) = 1/2n-1 and so (an)→ 0 in this metric.

One can define similar metrics for any odd prime in a similar way. This gives rise to some interesting algebraic objects called the p-adic integers which arise in a wide variety of applications.