Course MT3818 Topics in Geometry

Solutions 3

  1. If f1 = Rota,α and f2 = Rotb,β then f1f2 is a translation if and only if α = -β.
    To prove that, write f1 = TaLT-a and f2 = TbL' ∘ T-b and note that if α = -β then L' = L -1.
    Then f1f2 = a + L(-a + b + L -1(-b + x)) = a + L(b - a) - b + x which is translation by the vector a + L(b - a) - b

    If the lines meet then their intersection is a fixed point for the composition and so this is a rotation. If they are parallel the product is a translation by twice the distance between them.

    A glide reflection f is TaRl = RlTa.
    So the product f1f2 = (TaRl) ∘ (TbRm) = Ta ∘ (RlRm) ∘ Tb and so is a rotation if the lines l, m meet (by twice the angle between them) and a translation if they are parallel.

  2. The product of a rotation and reflection is either a reflection or a glide reflection. If al then there is a fixed point and we have a reflection.
    If a notbelongs l, then write the rotation about a as the product of reflection in a line m parallel to l and reflection in a line n.
    So f = RlRota = RlRmRn = TbRn where b is a vector perpendicular to l. Thus since b is not perpendicular to n, this is a glide reflection by the lemma proved earlier.

  3. It is easy to verify that Ha/2H0 = Ta.
    As in the last question, the condition is that aL.
    Note that H0 is the map x rarrow -x and so Ha maps a + x to a - x.
    So acting on a - b + c with Hc maps it to -a + b + c and then acting on this with Hb gives a + b - c and acting on this with Ha gives a - b + c again. So this is a fixed point and since the composition of three half-turns is rotation by 3π which is the same as π the result is a half-turn about this point.

  4. Note that and so this matrix maps the line y = 1 to itself. Identifying this matrix with the isometry f(x) = ±x + a gives the isomorphism with I(R).
    Similarly the matrix acts on a vector f the form to give another such vector. Hence the matrix corresponds to the isometry of R2 given by TaL where a = (a1, a2) and A is the matrix of LO(2).

  5. Look at the picture:

    Start with a pair of axes: 1 and 2 and follow their images under the glides.

    The composite of a pair of glides is a rotation (about some point) by twice the angle between them.
    So GBCGAB = rotation by 2β and GDAGCD = rotation by 2delta.
    So if 2β + 2delta ≠ 2π the composite cannot be the identity.
    If β + delta = π then since A is fixed by the composite, we do have the identity.
    This is the condition that the quadrilateral is cyclic (the four vertices lie on a circle).

  6. If h, k are either direct or opposite, so are their inverses and so composing hkh -1k -1 gives a direct symmetry.

    If h, k are both rotations then their inverses are rotations by the opposite amount and so (by Question 1 above) when we compose we get a translation. The same thing happens if one is a translation. If both are translations, they commute and we have the identity.

    If f is a rotation about a by θ then take h, k to be reflections in lines meeting at a at an angle of α. Then fg is rotation by 2α and since h = h -1 and k = k -1 we have hkh -1k -1= rotation by 4α and so we may take α = θ/4.

    To get a translation by a, take h to be rotation by π about 0 and take k to be rotation by π about a/4.