Metric and Topological Spaces

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Continuity for topological spaces

As previewed earlier whan we considered open sets in a metric space, we can now make the definition:

A map f: X rarrow Y between topological spaces is continuous if f -1(B) belongs curlyTX whenever B belongs curlyTY.

Note that a continuous map f: X rarrow Y "induces" a map from curlyTY to curlyTX by B goesto f -1(B).

A map f: X rarrow Y between topological spaces is a homeomorphism or topological isomorphism if f is a continuous bijection whose inverse map f-1 is also continuous.

By the remark above, such a homeomorphism induces a one-one correspondence between curlyTX and curlyTY.


  1. Let f be the identity map from (R2, d2) to (R2, dinfinity). Then f is a homeomorphism.
    Since every open set is a union of open neighbourhoods, it is enough to prove that the inverse image of an epsilon-neighbourhood is open. This epsilon-neighbourhood is an open square in R2 which is open in the usual metric.
    A similar proof shows that the image of an epsilon-neighbourhood in the usual metric (an open disc) is open in dinfinity .

  2. In general, if X is a set with two topologies curlyT1 and curlyT2 then the identity map (X, curlyT1) rarrow (X, curlyT2) is continuous if curlyT1 is stronger (contains more open sets) than curlyT2 .

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(Properties of topological spaces)
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(The subspace topology)

JOC February 2004