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Recall that an equivalence relation ~ (a reflexive, symmetric, transitive relation) on a set X can be regarded as a method of partitioning X into disjoint subsets (called equivalence classes).
We shall denote the set of equivalence classes by X/~.
The identification or quotient topology gives a method of getting a topology on X/~ from a topology on X.
To see why we would want to do something like this, we will look at some examples.
What would we like the topology to look like?
If we have an equivalence relation ~ on X we get a natural projection map p: X X/~ got by mapping each point to its equivalence class.
The identification topology on X/~ is defined by:
A set A X/~ is open if and only if p -1(A) is open in X.
Look again at the previous examples
We have X = [0, 1] and p : X X/~ identifying the end-points of the interval. If U is a set of X/~ containing the equivalence class {0, 1} then p -1 (U) contains both 0 and 1 and hence if it is open contains a set like
So small open sets of X/~ (-neighbourhoods) are "the same" as those of X except "at the end-points" where they look like the sets
made by "gluing together two bits". It is easy to see that this is the same as the subspace topology on the circle as a subset off the plane.
Topologists like to consider spaces made by "shrinking a subset to a point".
If X is a topological space and A is a subset of X, we denote by X/A the equivalence classes X/~ under the relation x ~ y if x = y or x, y A.
So for x A, {x} is an equivalence class and A is a single class.
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