Metric and Topological Spaces

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Exercises 5

  1. Find the interior and closure of Q in R when R has:
    1. the usual topology
    2. the discrete topology
    3. the trivial topology
    4. the cofinite topology [finite sets are closed]
    5. the co-countable topology [countable sets are closed]
    6. the topology in which intervals (x, infinity) are open

    Solution to question 1

  2. Let N have the topology of Exercises 4, Question 8.
    (This is the subspace topology as a subset of R with the topology of Question 1(vi) above.)
    Find the interior and closure of the sets:
    1. {36, 42, 48}
    2. the set of even integers

    Solution to question 2

  3. A subset A of a topological space X is said to be dense in X if the closure of A is X.
    (i) Prove that both Q and R - Q are dense in R with the usual topology.
    (ii) Find all the dense subsets of N with the topology of the last question.

    Solution to question 3

  4. Let A, B be any subsets of a topological space. Show that cl(A intersect B) subset cl(A) intersect cl(B) where cl indicates the closure.
    Give an example to show that equality might not hold.
    Prove that int(A) intersect int(B) = int(A intersect B) and that int(A) union int(B) subset int(A union B) where int indicates the interior.
    Can this last inclusion ever be proper?

    Solution to question 4

  5. Is the usual topology on R stronger or weaker than the cofinite topology ?

    Solution to question 5

  6. Consider R with the cofinite topology. Show that the subspace topology on any finite subset of R is the discrete topology. Show that the subspace topology on the subset Z is not discrete.

    Solution to question 6

  7. Show that there are four different topologies on the set {a, b}. How many of them are non-homeomorphic ?
    Show that there are 29 different topologies on the set {a, b, c}. How many of them are non-homeomorphic ?

    Solution to question 7

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JOC February 2004