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One of the most important ways in which a metric is used is in approximation. Given a function f, finding a sequence which converges to f in the metric d∞ is called uniform approximation. The most important result in this area is due to the German mathematician Karl Weierstrass (1815 to 1897).
If f and g are suitable functions on R, then the convolution f * g is the function defined by f * g(x) = f (x - t) g(t) dt (suitable means ensuring that the integral exists).
This concept of convolution is important in the theory of Laplace transforms among other places.
It turns out that the set X of suitable functions is than a ring under the operations + and * in much the same way that X forms a ring under the usual addition and multiplication.
The Laplace transform is then a ring homomorphism from (X + *) to (X + .)
That is: (f + g) =
(f) +
(g) and
(f * g) =
Thinking about convolution as an algebraic operation, we may ask: Is there an identity element for this operation?
The answer is: Almost!
The English mathematician Paul Dirac (1902 to 1984) one of the most important founders of Quantum Mechanics, invented the δ-function.
This is a "function" with the properties:
δ(x) = 0 if x ≠ 0 and δ(x) dx = 1.
You should think of it as "The density function of a unit mass or charge at the origin".
Of course it is not really a function since we would have to have δ(0) = ∞ in a rather special way, but it turns out that provided one only uses it in integrals everything is OK.
For example, f * δ(x) = f (x - t) δ(t) dt = f (x) since δ(t) = 0 except at t = 0.
What we will now do is find a sequence of functions (Kn) which approximate the δ-function. The sequence (Kn* f) will then approximate δ * f = f.
The n-th Landau kernel function Kn= cn(1 - x2)n for x ∈ [-1, 1] and 0 otherwise, where cn is chosen so that Kn = 1.
Here are graphs of some of these functions:
Note that these are the graphs of the density functions of unit masses concentrated on smaller and smaller areas.
If f is a continuous function on the interval [-1, 1] then Kn * f is a polynomial.
Kn* f (x) = Kn(x - t)f (t) dt and Kn is a polynomial and so Kn(x - t) can be expanded as g0(t) + g1(t) = ... + g2n(t)x2n and so the integral is a polynomial in x.
The sequence (Kn * f)→ f in d∞.
We need to show that Kn has "most of its area" concentrated near x = 0.
First we estimate how big cn is:
(1 - t)2)ndt = 2
(1 - t)n(1 + t)ndt ≥ 2
(1 - t)ndt = 2/(n+1).
Since Kn= 1 we must have cn≤ (n+1)/2.
[In fact, cn grows like a multiple of √n. For large n, cn is approximately 0.566√n.]
Look at the area under Kn which is not near 0.
Kn(t) dt =
cn(1 - t2)ndt ≤ (n+1)/2
(1 - δ2)ndt
since Kn is decreasing on [δ, 1] and this is (n + 1)/2 (1-δ2)n(1-δ).
If r = 1 - δ2 then (n + 1)rn--> 0 as n→ ∞.
We are told that f is continuous and by a theorem we will prove in the next section we may assume that f is bounded by M (say).
If x ∈ [0, 1] then given ε > 0 we can find δ > 0 such that if |t| < δ then |f (x - t) - f (x)| < ε.
So now look at the convolution : Kn* f.
|f (x) - Kn* f (x)| = |f (x) - f (x - t)| Kn(t) dt =
Now on [-1, -δ] and on [δ, 1] we have Kn(t) is small if we choose δ small. In fact, we can choose δ so that Kn(t) < ε/M here and then the first and third integrals are < ε.
For the middle integral, |f (x) - f (x - t)|Kn(t) dt ≤
εKn(t) dt < ε since
Kn(t) dt = 1.
Thus |f (x) - Kn* f (x)| is small when n is large and we have our convergence. This completes the proof of the Weierstrass approximation theorem.
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