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In fact, many of the theorems of so-called Euclidean geometry are affine theorems. That is, their statement and proof only involve concepts which are preserved by affine transformations.
Roughly speaking, affine theorems are ones which can be proved by vector methods without using norms or dot or vector products.
If the triangle has vertices a, b and C then it is easy to verify that the medians meet at the point (a + b + C) /3
If the sides of a triangle are divided by points L, M, N in the ratios 1 : λ, 1 : μ, 1 : then the three points L, M, N are collinear if and only if the product λμ
= -1.
Note that the ratio in which a point L divides an interval AB is negative if L does not lie inside AB.
Draw AP parallel to ML. Then 1/μ = CM/MA = CL/LP and 1/ = AN/NB = PL/LB.
Then 1/(μ) = CL/LP . PL/LB = -CL/LB = -λ and the result follows.
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